Varen objem svobodnega otroštva
Vsak starš se najbolje počuti v objemu svojega dojenčka. Vendar pa dojenčki hitro rastejo in želijo raziskovati svet. Vloga staršev je ustvariti varno okolje in negovati vez, ki bo otroku vedno omogočala, da se bo počutil varnega in močnega na svojih nogah.
Pri Baobabyju smo predani zagotavljanju družinam naravnih izdelkov, ki bodo koristili njihovemu vsakdanjemu življenju. Negujemo aktiven življenjski slog in želimo otrokom omogočiti neovirano gibanje, razvijati njihovo ustvarjalnost in aktivirati njihove čute. Naša največja nagrada je sreča naših uporabnikov. Ko nam starši povedo, kako zelo njihovi otroci uživajo v Boababyju, vemo, da je naše delo dobro opravljeno.

Z izdelki Baobaby kupujete nežne naravne materiale, vrhunsko rastlinsko strojeno usnje brez kroma, varno za vašo otrokovo kožo ter okolju prijazno. Naši izdelki so mehki, prilagojeni potrebam vašega otroka, omogočajo prosto gibanje in nudijo pravo oporo.

We believe in local production, reducing our transportation footprint – that is why our products are made in Croatia, EU, where we are based.

Baobaby is happy to join companies that use natural and eco-friendly materials and make high-quality durable products, so children could use and wear them for a long time.

Priroda je naš glavni izvor inspiracije. Volimo uključiti motive iz prirode i male poruke ljubavi i ljubaznosti u svoj dizajn. A iznad svega, najviše volimo svoj posao kada djeca uživaju u našim proizvodima.
The story of the baobab tree

A story tells… at some point in human history, there were so few of us that we barely managed to survive. That was when Mother Nature took care of our little community with the help of a tree – the baobab. The tree of life. While many species went extinct, the trees were strong and gave us shelter, water and a fruit so rich in nutrients, that we now refer to it as a “superfruit”.
The baobab story, true or not, teaches us a valuable lesson: let’s respect nature and take care of each other!
Even though there are billions of us today, we are still a community of the same people, people who love life, their children and enjoy the beautiful nature.
So what can we do? We can raise considerate, conscious and kind children, teach them to support and respect each other, no matter whether those others live in the neighbourhood or on another continent. Teach them to be playful, enjoy life and respect nature by using fewer resources and leaving the lightest ecological footprint. Together we can make it again.